“I see everyday how my nutrition, the way I cook, the herbs I eat, influences dramatically the strength, flexibility, and the endurance of my body, giving me the clarity needed in my mind and influencing the way I feel”
Nature created the body to be self-building, self-repairing,
and self-rejuvenating. Food provides the body resources to do so. Nutrition is essential to have your energy organized, to have a clear mind, to feel strong and vulnerable at the same time and to embody your desired life easier.
The objective of the consultations is to work towards a tailored diet that maintains and honors the body as a temple for the spirit. Through food we want to keep a clear and elevated mind, balanced feelings and the spirit in its highest vibration to navigate the waves of life. Weaving the concept of detox in your daily routine so toxins can be eliminated with more efficiency on a daily basis and tissues feel nourished and rejuvenated.
My specialty at the moment is to help you increase your beauty through food, connect to your unique type of body and provide you with resources that will nourish yourself in a pleasurable way. In addition to this, I will be able to guide your way into the world of superfoods, adaptogens and elixirs.
Elixir is a liquid with the magical power to cure, improve or preserve something. My version of an elixir involves superfoods, &/or herbs, &/or adaptogens, &/or spices. Herbs have always supported me to be connected to myself, to others and to nature.
In the last times, it has been adaptogens and superfoods the ones that have been more prevalent in my life. These elixirs will time up your body, add joy and pleasure to your life, support your cleansing daily routine.
For noticeable effects, it is recommendable to include them as part of your routine.To get one elixir recipe send me a message through connect.
I will be dropping in with nutrition bites, my latest inspiration and podcast.