How to regulate your nervous system, mind-heart-coherence & Alchemy Rewire

Oihana Galor-Dual

Hey everybody,

It has been too long! I’ve been adjusting my life to have more time for teaching yoga, studying functional nutrition and connecting through my blog and this website. Here are some insights from last weeks.

I went to Barcelona to meet some dear friends and dive deeper into XI, which I’ve been exploring for the past couple of years. Since coming back to Ibiza, I’ve noticed that I feel more restless and fidgety. As a very very sensitive person, I’ve been examining my lifestyle to see what I can change to feel calmer. I’ve adjusted my supplements, reducing my intake of methylated Vitamin B, and cut back on handstand classes, as they can overstimulate my nervous system—more than 2-3 classes a week make it hard for me to relax and sleep.

I’ve also made more space to be available for teaching yoga and for work that truly expands me. I’ve been doubling down on spatial referencing, my morning movement practice, walking in nature, swimming in the ocean, and connecting with friends for good conversations and laughter. These activities help me regulate my nervous system.

Recently, I spoke with Rodolfo Escalante for the podcast Ibiza Refuge for Dreamers. He is the creator of Alchemy Rewire. After years of extensive meditation and pranayama to feel centered, Rodolfo discovered a faster way to manage his neurodiversity and achieve a mind-heart coherence state. He mainly uses CO2 tolerance techniques creating contractions through breath holds, to get to this state. This method also helps with various addictions, from work addiction to online shopping... which I have been recently doing too much.

Rodolfo’s work focuses on neurodivergency, as it’s a big part of his personal story. In the podcast, we discuss how this technique could help people with other imbalances, like hormonal or immune issues. Achieving mind-heart coherence positively affects the nervous system and brain, and also impacts other systems such as the endocrine, psychological, and immune systems, since all these systems’ messengers are interconnected. Check the diagram below for further explanation.

I was curious if Rodolfo has seen case studies of people who have benefited from this system with other imbalances or personal situations. I recommend listening to the podcast for a deeper dive and checking his platform and book.

To wrap up for today, I’d say that achieving a mind-heart coherence state, as Rodolfo calls it, a regulated nervous system and being closer to the best version of ourselves, as I would say, are really important in daily life. I’m curious,

What tools do you use to self-regulate?

I would love to hear from you.


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