How your environment influences your wellbeing

Oihana Galor-Dual

How Your Environment Influences Your Wellbeing

Wellbeing is a broad concept—it's not just about balanced hormones, propernutrients, or our body’s internal happiness. While our inner health, dialogue,wellbeing is crucial, it’s constantly interacting with the environment around us. Our surroundings play an essential role in our overall health, and today, I’ll focus on two key aspects of that: your physicalenvironment and the people you connect with.

Your Surroundings Matter

Your environment includes everything from where you live, your workspace,where you train, and other places you spend time. Many of us have chosen to live closer to nature. Personally, I feel most at peace in nature’s "organized chaos." Watching how nature maintains balance, learning from seasonal shifts, and breathing in cleaner air deeply nurtures me. Living in nature also reduces my exposure to harmful chemicals, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which I’d like to explore with you today.

What Are Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?

EDCs are natural or man-made chemicals that can interfere with our hormones, leading to a range of health issues. These chemicals can mimic or block hormones, disrupting the body's natural processes. Common EDCs include atrazine, bisphenols, PFAS, and phthalates, which are found in everyday items like food packaging, personal care products, and even clothing. These chemicals hinder the natural flow of hormones in our bodies, so I encourage you to be mindful of what you’re exposing yourself to and opt for purer, organic, local materials and ingredients as much as possible within your possibilities; opt for quality versus quantity.

The Power of the People Around You

Now, let’s talk about the people in your life. Have you heard of the Bannister Effect? In 1954, Roger Bannister famously broke thefour-minute mile barrier, something runners had been striving to dofor decades. Just 46 days later, another runner broke his record, and by the end of the year, three more runnersdid the same in a single race. Many believe it wasn’t just aphysical achievement—it was a psychological breakthrough. Bannister showed that what seemed impossible could, in fact, be done.

What does this mean for you? Surround yourself with people who inspire you, those who’ve already achieved goals that align with what youdesire in your own life, whether that’s in health, career, orpersonal growth. Seeing that your vision of a fullfilled life whatever that looks for you is possible around you; will certainly make it easier for yourself.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

If you're interested in learning more about EDCs or other topics in future newsletters, feel free to reach out!