Super thankful to have been teaching yoga at “ The Power Frequency, self actualización through the pleasure of the senses Ibiza Retreat"
He estado enseñando en el retiro ¨The Power Frequency, slef actualization therough the pleasures of the senses¨en Ibiza.
I usually get butterflies in my belly when I go to teach frist day to a retreat. At the same time I look into the eyes the participants for the first time, I exhale and get more gorunded into my body. It is time to meet the participants´bodies, asses their needs and see what is possible for the group in the next days,trying to recognize the personal needs of each of the participants and at the same time get them moving together to the same beat.
Normalmente el primer día que enseño en retiros estoy un poco nerviosa. Al mismo tiempo que empiezo a conocer a los participantes y mirar en sus ojos. Mi cuerpo se relaja y me enraízo. Empiezo a valorar los cuerpos de los participantes, veo cómo sus cuerpos pueden vibrar y cómo se pueden mover en unísono.
The retrat was located at beautiful Fincadellica. This Finca is a project of very dear friends and one of the most gorgeous places on the north of the island. Here some photos; from the outside...
El retiro sucedía en Fincadelica. Esta Finca es un proyecto creado por amigos cercanos. Estoy tan contenta de verla con tanto movimiento este año! Os enseño algunas fotos del exterior...
And of the inside...
I totally forgot to take photos from the beginning or end of the yoga classes. As my look was totally with and getting to see what was better for them.
Every day the participant would have a yoga class, morning meditation and then they would start classes. In the evening usually they would go to a concert, a cultural event or enjoy a nice party in the cave. I was invited to participate in the morning meditations after teaching the class. That was super enjoyable! I did not know anything regarding MAs and his work before hand. If you have not hear of his work, he is mainly helping people embody the best version of themselves through frequencies. This is the way I can best describe it. These frequencies enter your body and help you bring awareness to habits, addictions, patterns that are not helping you to be in your best version possible.
Los participantes hacían yoga todas las mañanas, meditación con Mas, desayuno, y después las clases. En las tardes/ noches el grupo tenian diferentes eventos como música, fiestas,....
I loved the abundance mentality that every one of Mas´s team members had with me. They literally saw me as an investment. I translate they thought that if I experience his work first hand this would be an option for me to like the teachings and maybe register for some of his offerings, which literally happened like this. After feeling his was of teaching, I registered to his 18 days online hypermeditation course which I enjoyed so much, to even say that it was life changing.
Todo el equipo de Mas tenían una mentalidad de abundancia. Me invitaron a las meditaciones después de las clases que enseñaba y a la última meditación en frente de Es Vedra. Eso fue genial.
It was a total pleasure to teach at this reatreat. Thanks to the organizer Rob Baines, click to check his offerings, for your trust and Mas Sajady and team.
Ha sido un total placer endeñar en este retiro y las enseñanzas y método de Mas se está convirtiendo en parte de mi día a día. El organizador de este retiro era Rob Baines.